Looking for sex but no relationship - Sex doll might be the solution!

More and more people are starting to see themselves as single with pride. While many still view relationships as the golden standard of self-worth and health in general, there are more single people than ever. Unlike the days of old where these people were deemed to be beyond hope or that their lives must be awful, single people are happy that they don't have a significant other. It allows them to do so much more with their lives.

While there are many benefits to being single, one of the downsides is a lack of steady partners. For those who are looking to enjoy being single without the disadvantages, a sex doll might be the solution. Let's dive deeper into why people are happy about being single and why sex dolls are the best way to have the best of both worlds.

More Americans are Single Than Ever Before 

Marriage used to be a major milestone in a person's life, right next to graduating high school and getting that first real full-time job. It's been this way for a long time, and to some, is still a major milestone that everyone should go through. In 1960, over 70 percent of adults were married.

This is a major contrast to how things are right now. Of the whole over 18 population of Americans, about 110.6 million are currently unmarried. That represents 45.2 percent of adult Americans. This is an unprecedented number and have some people flailing their arms in a frenzy. While some are saying that it's the end of the world, scientists are finding quite the opposite.

Most of those who are currently single have a lower incidence of smoking or alcohol usage. They also tend to have a lower BMI and are both physically and emotionally happier. In fact, marriage is no longer seen as a major milestone anymore. It's not that people don't want to have relationships; it's just that marriage isn't viewed as a requirement any longer for the newer generation of adults.

Why Young People Stay Single

As stated above, the majority of those who are single aren't sorry about it, nor do they feel burdened. There's a new push for people to have self-worth that isn't based on their relationship status. People can be happy whether they are single or married, it's just that more people are consciously choosing the former. 

While each person has their own reasons for staying single, there are a few commonalities among these people. First of all, most of the Millennials who are remaining single are focusing on their careers, personal time and social lives.

Not only does being single make it easier to focus on yourself, but many find that it makes them feel independent and empowered. You don't have the dynamic of always expecting one partner to do everything and the other to lean on him or her. It's you, all on your own, making your way in the world. If you can do it, then it's easy to see why it's empowering.

Being single also makes you more open to new experiences. Instead of worrying about what your significant other will think, or having to be back by a certain time, you can enjoy life untethered. It's a wonderful feeling of being free and enjoying life.

How Sex Dolls Can Help

Being single has numerous advantages, but the disadvantages can be difficult for some to maintain. The one we'll talk about here is the lack of sex. While you can hook up with people and enter the casual sex scene, that's fraught with many problems. You don't know who you're meeting. Things could go well, or you could be stuck with an STD or be mugged. It's hard to say.

While I wouldn't want to stop you from seeing real people, there's another solution that's as low-risk as possible that still helps ease your sexual frustration. The 
best sex dolls feel just like the real thing. Not only that, but they come in so many different sizes, shapes and anatomies that you'll easily find one that matches your idea of perfection.

Being able to pick and choose and enjoy yourself are some of the major benefits, but they aren't the truly big ones. Sex dolls have better sex performance. You don't have to wait for the other person, nor do you have to spend time on foreplay. You can get right to the act. They're also very low-risk as there is virtually no chance of STDs unless you share the doll.

There are also no strings attached, which is one of the best benefits. You can have your cake and eat it, too. It's the same feeling of being with someone, but without them draining you emotionally or financially.

The last major benefit is that your sexual drive is a little more balanced. Having a real partner is great, but the truth is that sex drives are rarely equal. You'll either feel like the other person wants sex too much or not nearly enough. Sex dolls fix that. You have sex when you want to. It doesn't matter if you want to have fun several times a day or once a week, it's all up to you.

Take a look at everything in the market and pick your favorite doll. Whether you want 
mini sex dolls or something large and full-bodied, the sex doll market has many options.

While having a relationship is great for some, more people are finding that being single is the right thing for them. You shouldn't be forced to get married just for social acceptance. If you want to stay single but still have sex, then consider getting a sex doll. They'll be there when you need them, and they won't get in the way if you do happen to find the right person to spend your life with. In either case, the doll will be there for you whenever you need it.


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